Military Factory Company Product Calculator

Product Calculator
Product Select :
Bomb :
Nuclear    Chemical    Ballistic 
Military Vehicles :
Heavy Tank    Bomber Jet 
Military Vehicles Upgrade 
Gas Mask  

Military Part Price :

Processed Fuel Price :

Chemical Compound Price :

Uranium Price :

Military Schematic Price :

Water Price :

Electricity Price :

License Form Price :


Wage tax :

Euro/Gold Rate:

Gold/Local Rate:

Company Upgrade :
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8

Weekly Boost      
Boost Cost:
Amount of Product a Week :
Capital Region Workplace     

The Military Factory need products from Uranium Mine, Refinery and Part Factory to builds weapons of mass destruction like nuclear bombs, ballistic missile, chemical bombs and gas mask. This company also builds military vehicles (heavy tank and bomber jet) and Mvs upgrade.

The produces from this factory used for the benefit of war. But to use the produces, player need special specifications.

 Military Factory

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